You will find answers to frequently asked questions about Matlu on this page. If you cannot find your question below, please contact Matlu’s board members or officials to help you find an answer!
What is Matlu?
Matlu, founded in 1994, is the cooperative association of student organisations of the Science faculty. The core function of Matlu is to promote the interests of students at faculty level. Representatives from Matlu keep in close contact with university staff members, student representatives in steering groups, and the Student Union of the University of Helsinki. Matlu organises the annual Faculty Sauna, where faculty staff and representatives from student organisations can discuss studies in a casual setting. The Faculty Sauna has grown to be an important forum for discussion in recent years. Read more about promotion of students’ interests here. The role of Matlu as a collaborative association is evident in the many cross-disciplinary student events it organises. Annual student events include KJYV (Vappu Orienteering of all Kumpula Student Organisations), the MEGAtram, a HopLop excursion, and various parties and sitsit events. Matlu also maintains the Matlu-klusteri recreational space located at Domus Gaudium. The space is governed by the Leppätalo Committee, which is comprised of representatives of all student organisations who use the space. See the reservation calendar for the space here.
Who is Matlu?
The official members of Matlu are student organisations. This means all student members of these organisations are members of Matlu indirectly. The executive organ of Matlu is the [board],( which is comprised of 8-18 members of member organisations. Board positions are distributed as evenly as possible to students of different disciplines. Officials and active members of member organisations support the board in organising Matlu’s activities.
What does Matlu do?
The core function of Matlu is to promote the interests of students at faculty level. The core function of Matlu is to promote the interests of students at faculty level. Representatives from Matlu keep in close contact with university staff members, student representatives in steering groups, and the Student Union of the University of Helsinki. Matlu also organises a large number of events for Kumpula students as well as collaborative events across faculties. Matlu also maintains the Matlu-klusteri recreational space located at Domus Gaudium. The space is governed by the Leppätalo Committee, which is comprised of representatives of all student organisations who use the space. See the reservation calendar for the space here.
What can I do in Matlu?
Anything you like! You can read more about existing roles in Matlu here, but new positions spring up in Matlu practically every year. To become an active official, all you need to be is interested!
What kind of events does Matlu organise?
Matlu organises many different kinds of events. Annual events include an anniversary party, Laskuhumala, the Summer Party, the Fresher Party, and the Faculty Sauna. Other events are organised throughout the year based on what officials and students like - the sky is the limit!
How is Matlu different from other organisations is Kumpula?
The biggest difference between Matlu and other student organisations in Kumpula is that Matlu’s members are organisations, not students. If you are a member of one of Matlu’s member organisations, you are indirectly a member of Matlu. This is also the difference between Matlu and Limes ry, another cross-disciplinary organisation in Kumpula. Matlu is the umbrella organisation of all Kumpula student organisations. Matlu is also the faculty-level student organisation of Kumpula.
How can Matlu help its member organisations?
Matlu has extensive resources to keep up communication throughout Kumpula. If you have a problem related to university studies or students, which you feel you cannot solve as an individual, Matlu can help! The power of the association is available to all members and the board is happy to help.
How can I contact Matlu?
You can most easily contact Matlu via email or by messaging us on Facebook. You can find the contact details of Matlu’s board members and officials here.
How can I join Matlu?
You can join Matlu by running for the board or becoming an official. As an official, you can take care of affairs as you see fit with the assistance of the board and other officials. You do not need to commit to any role to be a part of Matlu’s various activities. You can find descriptions of current roles in Matlu here. The board is chosen annually at the statutory autumn meeting in late autumn. Officials are chosen at the first board meeting at the beginning of the calendar year. Participating in Matlu’s monthly board meetings is a great way to find out about what the board does. Follow our email lists to find minutes and invitations to meetings.
Where is Matlu based?
Matlu’s affairs are in Kumpula, and Matlu has a student room on campus in A118 in Exactum. The Matlu-klusteri recreational space can be found at Leppäsuonkatu in Kamppi.
Who is Urho Karhu (Urho the Bear)?
Urho Karhu is the mascot of Matlu-klusteri. Urho is a large and lovable bear who loves careful hugs and pats on the head. Urho lives at klusteri and watches over students there.
What colour are Matlu’s overalls?
Matlu does not have its own overalls. As a faculty-level organisation Matlu wants to highlight cross-disciplinarity. The spectrum of overall colours in Kumpula is impressive indeed!